I grew up roaming my neighborhood in San Antonio, TX which had some open fields and a creek nearby. My buddies and I caught crawdads and played in the creeks and ditches and got in a ton of trouble.
We had these clunky electronic devices that you could play football or baseball on... sort of. They were basically a series of LCD dots and lines that represented players. Very rudimentary. But, this was a step up from molded plastic player dancing around a loud vibrating piece of sheet metal that was painted like a football field. Electronic games and devices were in their infancy.
The older I got, the more I roamed. The alleys behind our home were a battlefield of sorts where we built clubhouses and forts against the neighbor's fences with whatever we could find. When someone trimmed their trees, we lived in the brush piles for a week or two before they got hauled away.

The other day, I overheard a conversation at football practice about kids not wanting to get outside or put down the electronics. This is what 46 Outdoors is about at it's core. Even my kids, who weren't involved in all that, but now have phones and tablets and need to use computers to do homework find it hard to put them down at times.

I went to Camp Stewart on the Guadalupe River headwaters where I rode horses, climbed the NRA Riflery rankings, learned to canoe, shot my bow, hiked, camped out, swam and a host of other activities including team sports clinics. I loved it! If memory serves, the camp session was 34 days... 34 days of all those activities and more... I was in heaven! It was tough being away from my parents for that long, but it was well worth it. I wouldn't change a minute of it.
I would love to send my kids to that camp or one like it, but truth be told, we can't afford it especially for three kids. In fact, my parents had help in sending me. But, I know the boys would love it, and probably benefit and grow a little independence. So, with that being out of the realm of possibility, we are left with the task of teaching these lessons and giving them this experience on our own.
In the process of doing this, I realized that there are those out there that for whatever the reason or circumstance, don't know how or are in some way unable to impart these experiences. So, I do my best to live a life steeped in the outdoors and fan the flames of this passion among my own kids and their friends. The purpose of 46 Outdoors is to encourage others to provide their families with the same sort of experiences by opening a window into our experience and providing tips and advice.
Please comment below or contact us on Facebook if I can help you and/or your family get connected outdoors.
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